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The sub-lethal toxicity of Chlorpyrifos on selected oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and reduced glutathione (GSH)) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was examined in the olfactory organ of Labeo bata under sub-lethal exposures. Chlorpyrifos (CPF) was administered at predetermined exposure concentrations (21.93 and 36.54µg/L) and monitored on days 15 and 30 of the experimental periods. The experimental groups showed significantly higher values (P<0.05) of MDA, SOD, CAT, GST and GPx in CPF exposed fish compared to control. AChE and GSH were significantly lower in exposed fish. In general, biomarker depictions indicate that CPF exposures are capable of inducing stress-specific effects at the biochemical and physiological levels negatively impacting the overall health and longevity of such animals.
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- Abdollahi, M.; Ranjbar, A.; Shadnia, S.; Nikfar, S. & Rezaie, A. 2004. Pesticides and oxidative stress: a review. Medical Science Monitor 10(6): 141-147.
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Azadikhah, D.; Yalsuyi, A.M.; Saha, S.; Saha, N.C. & Faggio, C. 2023. Biochemical and Pathophysiological Responses in Capoeta capoeta under Lethal and Sub-Lethal Exposures of Silver Nanoparticles. Water 15(3): 585.
Banerjee, B.D.; Seth, V.; Bhattacharya, A.; Pasha, S.T. & Chakraborty, A.K. 1999. Biochemical effects of some pesticides on lipid peroxidation and free-radical scavengers. Toxicology letters 107(1-3): 33-47.
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Da Cuña, R.H.; Vazquez, G.R.; Piol, M.N.; Guerrero, N.V.; Maggese, M.C. & Nostro, F.L.L. 2011. Assessment of the acute toxicity of the organochlorine pesticide endosulfan in Cichlasoma dimerus (Teleostei, Perciformes). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(4): 1065-1073.
Das, B. & Mukherjee, D. 2000. Chronic toxic effects of quinalphos on some biochemical parameters in Labeo rohita (Ham.). Toxicology Letters 114(1-3): 11-18.
Datta, C.; Gupta, J. & Sengupta, D. 1994. Interaction of organophosphorus insecticides phosphamidon & malathion on lipid profile & acetylcholinesterase activity in human erythrocyte membrane. The Indian journal of Medical Research 100: 87-89.
Dhara, K.; Saha, S.; Chukwuka, A.V.; Pal, P.; Saha, N.C. & Faggio, C. 2021a. Fluoride sensitivity in freshwater snail, Bellamya bengalensis (Lamarck, 1882): An integrative biomarker response assessment of behavioral indices, oxygen consumption, haemocyte and tissue protein levels under environmentally relevant exposure concentrations. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 89: 103789
Dhara, K.; Saha, S.; Pal, P.; Chukwuka, A.V., Panigrahi, A.K.; Saha, N.C. & Faggio, C. 2021b. Biochemical, physiological (haematological, oxygen-consumption rate) and behavioural effects of mercury exposures on the freshwater snail, Bellamya bengalensis. Comparative Biochemistry Physiology Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 251: 109195
Doyotte, A.; Cossu, C.; Jacquin, M.-C.; Babut, M. & Vasseur, P. 1997. Antioxidant enzymes, glutathione and lipid peroxidation as relevant biomarkers of experimental or field exposure in the gills and the digestive gland of the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. Aquatic Toxicology 39(2): 93-110.
Du Preez, L.H.; Van Rensburg, P.J.; Jooste, A.; Carr, J.; Giesy, J.P.; Gross, T.S.; Kendall, R.; Smith, E.; Van Der Kraak, G. & Solomon, K. R. 2005. Seasonal exposures to triazine and other pesticides in surface waters in the western Highveld corn-production region in South Africa. Environmental Pollution 135(1): 131-141.
Elia, A.C.; Waller, W.T. & Norton, S.J. 2002. Biochemical responses of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus, Rafinesque) to atrazine induced oxidative stress. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology Letters 68: 809-816.
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