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This study was aimed to study the impacts of nitrogen and organic fertilization on the growth and yield of the spinach, using two levels of N (Urea) (0 and 40kg/donum) and organic fertilizer Alga 600 at (0, 2, 4, and 6g/L.). The results showed that the application of 40kg N /donum had a significant effect on the leaf length, chlorophyll, fresh weight plant, total yield kg/ha., inflorescences length, and seeds weight/plot. Application of Alga 600 at 6 gm/l had a significant increase in most studied traits except the no. of inflorescences/plant and weight of 100 seeds. Based on the findings, the interaction between 40kg N /donum and 6g/l of Alga600 revealed a significant increase in leaf length (cm), leaves number/plant, chlorophyll, plant weight (g), total yield (kg/ha). Inflorescences length (cm), seed weight /plot, seeds weight/plant (g).


Seedlings Citrus Foliar spraying Amino acids Vegetative growth

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How to Cite
JASIM, E. A.-A., & ESHO, K. B. (2022). Effects of nitrogen doses and organic Alga 600 fertilizer on spinach, Spinacia oleracea growth and yield. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 9, 127–132. Retrieved from


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