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The main international legal act regulating the harvesting of marine mammals is the international convention for the regulation of whaling. However, the existing law enforcement practice shows that this document needs to be changed. The authors discuss some of the shortcomings of the international legal regulation of whaling. The indigenous peoples of the North of the Russian Federation received constitutional and legal status. Therefore, they have special guarantees, including priority access to the resources of aquatic ecosystems. Some species of marine mammals, which are under a special protection status, are allowed for extraction by the indigenous peoples of the Russian North to maintain their traditional way of life. The extraction and commercialization of aquatic organisms, their use as food, medicinal products, and household items generate negative consequences for the state of biological resources and contribute to the social degradation of the indigenous peoples of the North.


ICRW Marine mammals Convention Indigenous peoples.

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VLADIMIROVNA, U. O., & LEONIDOVNA, V. E. (2021). Implementation of the international convention on the regulation of whale fishing to exploit marine mammals for Russian indigenous peoples. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8, 54–61. Retrieved from


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